A Banner Hatch

May 3, 2011
A Banner Hatch

We have 36 hatched and the last 2 eggs are pipped and in the hatcher.  The oldest chicks are fledging now.  Order yours today!


April 18, 2011 Breeding Update

April 18, 2011
27 chicks are hatched and another egg is hatching now.

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Hatching Time!

April 18, 2011

Show me a jackrabbit!

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Harris's Hawk chicks, 3 to 5 days old, in the brooder

March 24, 2010

We hand-raise the hawks for their first 5-6 days of life.  This increases the survival rate. There are many changes happening within the first few days of life, making this is a particularly delicate time.  Some of these changes include absorption of the yolk sac, and activation of the digestive system.  We give the chicks to the parents when they are 5 to 6 days old.

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