We have eggs!

February 11, 2016
We have eggs!

Three pairs are laying now:

Milo and Clarice

Chaco and Shadow

Moe and Phish

Coulson Harris's Hawk number 33

May 31, 2015

This is Coulson Harris's Hawk number 33 for the 2015 breeding season and 1,073 considering all that we've bred. This is the last chick to hatch of the 2015 breeding season. It is out of Arrow and T.J.

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Sky's First Baby

April 28, 2015

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Pairs now laying

February 22, 2015
We are now getting eggs from the following pairs: Chaco and Shadow, Moe and Phish, Milo and Clarice, and Shadow and Ariel.

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The 2015 hatch is on its way...

February 2, 2015
Milo and Clarice laid their first egg on January 30th.
The other big news is Tank is mating with Sky!

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Growing up fast!

May 13, 2014

This female is at the age where she's "all feet."

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Banding Time

May 5, 2014

Here's a really cute male off of Chaco and Shadow getting its band.

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The St. Patty's Day Hatchling

March 18, 2014

This is Shadow's and Ariel's second chick of 2014, hatched on St. Patty's Day. We had already chosen green as the color code for this pair. Today it was particularly appropriate!

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The first Coulson Harris's Hawk of 2014

March 6, 2014

This chick hatched early on Mardi Gras morning...it's the Carnival Kid at one day old!
It is Milo's and Clarice's first chick. It is strong and mighty spunky.

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First egg due to hatch on Mardi Gras Day.

March 4, 2014
The first egg off of Milo and Clarice is due to hatch tomorrow, on Fat Tuesday!

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